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Does a dark night of the soul trigger a mental illness or vice versa?

A person sitting thoughtfully with a dark, stormy background on one side and a bright, peaceful background on the other, symbolizing the contrast between a dark night of the soul and mental illness.

Answer from our relationship expert:

The "dark night of the soul" is a spiritual concept describing a period of deep spiritual crisis, while mental illness is a medical condition affecting mood, thinking, and behavior. While they can share similar symptoms like deep sadness or existential questioning, they are distinct experiences. A dark night of the soul doesn't necessarily trigger mental illness, nor does mental illness always lead to a spiritual crisis. However, they can coexist or influence each other. The intense emotions and questioning during a dark night of the soul might exacerbate existing mental health issues, or the struggle with mental illness might prompt spiritual questioning. It's crucial to address both spiritual and mental health needs, potentially with different approaches.

"The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation." - Joseph Campbell

Guidance & steps forward:

If you're experiencing what you believe to be a dark night of the soul or symptoms of mental illness, it's important to seek appropriate support. For spiritual crises, consider speaking with a spiritual advisor or counselor familiar with these experiences. For mental health concerns, consult a mental health professional. Practice self-care during challenging times, including maintaining a healthy lifestyle, connecting with supportive people, and engaging in activities that bring you peace. Remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you're unsure whether you're experiencing a spiritual crisis or mental health issue, consider seeking perspectives from both spiritual and mental health professionals.



July 23, 2024

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