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what type of lover are you? take the quiz
what type of lover are you? take the 16 Relationship Personalities Quiz and find out now!

Why is Flamme The Best App for Couples?
Nowadays, we are able to find our special one on an uncountable amount of apps, yet there are no apps to help us build deeper intimacy with them. Flamme is a free couples app with questions, quizzes, games and date ideas along with other relationship strengthening tools, which include articles from relationship experts and an AI Relationship Advice Coach.
Find your date night idea with our romantic AI or play one of the games for couples on our app or track the days of your relationship, we offer it all!
Our vision is to help couples stay and grow in love ❤️

“Flamme has become our trusted daily relationship companion, as essential as our morning toothbrush ritual!”

“The app is genius!
We have an easier time discussing bigger things effectively, we argue less and with less intensity.”

“Flamme has been a game-changer for our relationship. The daily questions are
so insightful, yet so fun! Best app for us couples!”
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